Welcome to the Tiny Grasshopper Cache Store!!
The Tiny Grasshopper Cache Store is a memory based cache store that allows developers to store any Java Object in the JVM for increased performance.  The cache store utilizes LRU logic and allows the developer to specify the estimated size of each Object placed into the store.  When the estimated size of the cache store exceeds the specified maximum, the LRU (least recently used) Objects are pruned from the cache store until it reaches a specified precentage of its maximum size.

The cache store is simple to use and requires no setup.  Simply extend the tinygrasshopper.cachestore.CachableAbstractObject and you can place your Java Object into the cache.  Alternatively, use the tinygrasshopper.cachestore.CachableObject to wrap any existing Java Object.

I'm looking for develpers to help out on extending and adding new feature to the TGH Cache Store.  So if you're interested please let me know, especially if you have EJB experience since I'd like to make the cache store available remotely to any JVM.

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